Can GCh InStyle's Mach Ten To Edana JE

Turbo came to us from Jaime Lewers of InStyle Kennels in MB. Born to Ch McGypsi's Shicago Son InStyle "Keebler" and Ch InStyle's Fast Talker on February 24, 2011. He was a bratty boy right from the beginning. Good thing we love bratty attitude! Turbo came into our lives when we were looking for a smaller breed that was hearty enough to put up with the Aussie rough play and the kids but gentle enough to snuggle childhood worries away.

Turbo has been one of our most photogenic and attetnion getting dogs. From a young age he would just walk into a room and command attention!!

Show Career Wins
Turbo began his show career at the Cranbrook and District Kennel Club show August of 2011 at just 6 months old. HIs first foray into the ring he not only won 3 out of 6 puppy groups but also earned his first point from the junior puppy class all the way to a group 4th!!! His winning streak didn't stop there as he continued with many more puppy and group placements. Turbo went out with handlers Kate and Jamie McKee and finished his Canadian Championship at the famed Tradex show.
He then came home and attended his first Earthdog test where he completed his Junior Earthdog title. Making him only the third (and youngest at the time) to earn the title in CKC history. The first two were his cousin and Aunt!!
Turbo is shown sparingly and when out he places well in the group.
April 2016 Turbo made Canadian (CKC) history by becoming the first Smooth Fox Terrier to attain a Grand Championship. We plan on showing Turbo at specialties and staying in the top 5 of the breed this year. We also will focus on finishing his Senior Earthdog title.
Turbo is standing at stud to select females. For more information please inquire.
August 26 - Best Puppy in Group - Edgar Bajona
August 26 - Best Puppy in Group - Terry Carter
- Group 4th (1 point) - Terry Carter
August 28 - Best Puppy in Group - Elaine Whitney
September 16 - Best of Breed (over specials) - Patricia Taylor
September 17 - Best Puppy in Group - Fred Dewsbury
November 26 - Group 4 - Robert Verhulst (first weekend out as a Ch)
June 8 - Finished JE title
June 8 - first leg on SE title
August 4 - Best of Breed - Frank Kane
January 18 - Best of Breed - Lowell Davis - 1 point towards Gr Ch
January 19 - Best of Breed - Rosemary Shoreman - 1 pt towards Gr Ch
January 20 - Best of Breed - Micheal Shpreman - 1 pt towards Gr Ch
March 23 - Group 3 - Neil Graves - 2 points towards Grand Ch
April 6 - Best of Breed - Honey Glendinning - 1 point towards Gr Ch
August 2 - Select Male - Lynda Berar - 2 points towards Gr Ch
August 3 - Best Opposite Sex - 2 points towards Gr Ch
August 4 - Best Opposite Sex - 2 points towards Gr Ch
August 5 - Select Male - 2 points towards Gr Ch

January 17 - Best of Breed - Donald Fitzsimmons - 2 pt towards Gr Ch
January 18 - Best of Breed - Patricia Fitzsimmons - 2 pt towards Gr Ch
September 25 - Group 3 - William Gunn
September 26 - Group 3 - Joan Beech
April 3 - Best of Breed - Francisco Chapa Guajardo (Dr) - 2 pts towards Gr Ch
April 4 - Best of Breed - Barbara Dempsey Alderman - 2 pts towards Gr Ch
*** Becomes first Canadian bred Smooth Fox Terrier in CKC history to attain his Grand Championship***