Can Ch Edana's Millenniums Aftermath CGN, RN, RL1-aom
Once in awhile you breed a dog that you know will far surpass all expections. Bishop is that dog for me. From the moment I helped him into this world we have shared a special bond. He is my right hand man, the boy who just begs to be attached to my hip. Bishop is almost a carbon copy of his grandpa Ty in looks. From his white cheek to his rich coloring, he is all Aussie.
Bishop is a multiple group placer as well as my first homebred CKC champion.. Special tahnks to Jaime Lewers and Jacquline & Danielle Pike for getting that last pesky point and placing consistently in group his first weekend as a specials.
We quickly attained his CGN under Tami Butterwick and started on rally titles. Bishop also competes in agility and spends his "down time" showing kids how to succeed in 4H.
Bishop is OFA good, Elbows normal and his eyes are clear yearly
Standing at Stud to approved girls!